Kings and kaleidoscope
Kings and kaleidoscope

kings and kaleidoscope

There were stories of Mark Driscoll, during his preaching ministry at Mars Hill Church, dropping a f-bomb during a sermon. I personally not heard a sermon where the preacher cusses but I do have a friend that has been called the cussing evangelist because he has been known for using a cuss word or two in his sermons. We have heard stories of preachers using cuss words in their sermons. Is it appropriate for Christians to use them or not? Some would say depends on the circumstance while others say no. Of all the things we can argue or disagree about, it is the use of our words. The sound, pace and concept all fuse together excellently for a very intriguing album, encouraging listeners to think not just on the symbolism, but also on how they can apply the message to their walks with God.There is a great debate with Christians these days over the use of cuss words. “Zeal” perfectly blends the concepts of battle and the peace that Christ followers find once they experience victory. Now you’re dancing, looking foolish, you’ve found the light,” Gardner sings in the song’s second verse. Now you’re laughing with the new grin, you’re so alive.

kings and kaleidoscope

The album closes with “ A Little Bit of Faith ,” which digs deeper into the freedom that Christians find through faith. “ Breathing Infinity ” describes what it is like to grow closer to the Lord, portraying the mystery of God’s nature that leads to freedom. “If we are not together, we will be lost in the dark,” sings frontman Chad Gardner in the chorus. The track “ Same Blood ” dives into the importance of fellowship, a theme which listeners can clearly pinpoint in the song’s lyrics. The second half of “Zeal” covers the positive aspects of enduring spiritual battles, highlighting how Christians can overcome them. Although the song dives into the unpleasant truth that the battle against temptation and search for a meaning outside of God are incredibly difficult, it also informs the listeners that there is beauty and peace in “being still.” “Zeal” uniquely addresses two concepts, with the first half emphasizing evil and the second half emphasizing what lies beyond life’s battles. The “demon diamond” that is referenced represents our fleshly desires, and the constant drive to find it represents the temptations that we face. The aimless knight is a sinner who chases, as said in the song, after fool’s gold, silk and money. “Hero Over my Head” presents details of the battles listeners face, trying to find God and fight against the flesh, a theme also appearing in “Naked Feet & Holy Fire.” This track is very intriguing because it uses the symbolism of a knight who has no loyalty to a king. “The Coma” gives details of a person who, as the song says, has their back to the wall and needs to fight through the fog that is in front of them. Kings Kaleidoscope’s tone and message change as the listener progresses through the album. The band’s ability to make a compelling song with varying intensity is one of the aspects of this album that makes it such an impressive work. ” With its slow start and gradual build, “ Backwards ” stands out as an example of the band’s versatile nature. As soon as the first track ends, Kings Kaleidoscope heightens the tone and the pace with the track “ Hero Over My Head ,” which continues through the following track “ Naked Feet & Holy Fire. “Zeal’s” change of pace is both quick and elegant. ” Slow and soothing, the band eases listeners into their experimental album with opener “ The Coma.

kings and kaleidoscope

With their ability to change the pace and display diversity, Kings Kaleidoscope remains no stranger to versatility, as showcased in their new album “ Zeal.

Kings and kaleidoscope